Sunday, June 6, 2010

Unrequited Love

What is unrequited love ?It is when a person has feelings towards a person that doesn't have the same feelings towards them.Or it's love that is not openly reciporate or undestood.It is happends to alot of people.It's very common it can happen it any person at any age.
Unrequited love is most common in friendships which causes the friendship to end in a bad way.How can a person deal with this?Its to understand the reason why she/he doesn't feel the same way .second way is to just accept that person doesn't feel the same way.And not to feel bitter or upset towards that person.Because that would lead to the person to become a unhappy.
So unrequited love is common in oue happens to most people.But the way to deal with it is to just deal with it in a postive matter.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The 1920's
The 1920's was a decade of exciting social changes and cultural conflicts.the 1920's were also called the "roaring twenties".the radio was invented around this time .So people would listen to it all the time .The music they would listen to jazz .Jazz was the most pouplar muisc in this the 1920's peolpe also loved to dance the dances that were invented were the charlestlon ,fox-tot and the shimmy. In these times women stated in dress differently.they were called flappers the would wear short dresses ,they bobbed their hair ,and wore alot of makeup.They were considered rebels.they were involed with smoking ,drinking ,clubing ,and sex.
Also in the 1920's prohibition was set.Prohibition was a law the made liquor illegal.With prohibition came many illegal activites.Many people went behind the the laws back with liquor. the most famous person that transfered liquor was al capone aka scareface.He was the biggest ganster in the 1920's .He was a "bootlegger"and a leader of the mafia in chicago. He was sent to prison for tax invasion.When the was released from alcatraz in 1939.He died from a heart attack in January 25,1947.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

What is jealousy?It is an emotion that can have at any time.The kinds of emotions it can have is angry,sadness,bitterness,and envyness.It typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity fear,and anixety.Also jealousy is called the "green eyed monster".
Jealousy can be over a family members ,silibings,partners,friendship,and realtionships.
Jealousy can happen to anyone it has been obsevered that it happens to a five month baby to older.But it is human nature to be jealousy of someone or something .
How can you deal with jealousy?The way to stop jealousy is just to stop comparing yourself to what you and that other have.Because jealousy is not a healthly thing for a person .So all you have to do is just not envy people and to just be grateful for you have.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Men of Gatsby

Nick Carraway is the novel's narrrator.Nick is a young man from Minnesota who ,after being educated at Yale and fighting in World War I,goes to New York City .He is a bond salesman .And nick quickly meets his neighbor named Gastby.

Gatsby is a very wealth young man living in a mansion in Westegg.He is also Nick's neighbor.

And he also is in love in Daisy .Gatsby is a mysterious man that no one knows of his past.

Tom Buchanan is Daisy's wealth husband .He is a arrongant he has a an affair with Myrtle Wilson.

George Wilson is Myrtle husband .His an owner of a rundown autoshop at the edge of the a valley of ashes .

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Gatsby and Daisy

Women from Gatsby
In the novel, The Great Gatsby, there are two main women.They names are Daisy Buchana and Myrtle Wilson .Daisy and Myrtle are showed as the real image of women in the 1920’s and seem to have major characteristics of the American dream: wealth, power, materialism, love affairs and their dilemmas.Which means that all women care about in those times.
Daisy is Nick's cousin and Gatsby dream girl.To Gatsby she is the perfect person to be with,she has grace ,and she's sophisticated .Myrtle is Tom's Buchana's mistress.Myrtle is a superficial woman who's just into lies ,wealth, and luxury.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was born in St. Paul ,Minnesota September 24, 1896.he was known as the American Authors of the 1920's and 1930's.Fitzgerald started writing at an early age in high school the stories he would write would be published in the school newspaper.He dropped out of Princeton University to go join the army and he continued to pursue his obsession ,writing magazine articles and even lyric.He wrote novels and short stories and became a screen writer in hollywood.He fell in love with Zelda a southern bell.She met him at the age of 18 .Zelda went to all the parties he would go to and they get had a bond.After Fitzgerald first novel Zelda and Fitzgerald got married.But they got alot of gossip in the 1930's because Fitzgerald was addicted to alcohol and Zelda was suffering a mental disorder called schzophrenia .Which lead her to stay at lot of mental hospitals. Fitzgerald died in his apartment ,from a heart attack in December 21,1940 .He was working on a other novel called The Last Tycoon when he died and never finished it .Zelda died in March 1948 ,when the mental hospital she was in caught on fire and died.

F. Scott Fitzgerald was best known for his novel The Great Gastby ,which captured the spirt of the "age of jazz"decade or the "roaring twenties".Some of his other book were:The Side of Paradise(1920),The Beautiful and Damned (1920),and Tender Is the Night(1934).And Zelda only wrote a novel named Save Me The Watz while staying at the John's Hopkins mental hospital.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

1920's Gangsters
One of the most famous gangster of the 1920's is Alphonsen Gabriel "Al" Copone a.k.a Scarface.He was born in January 17,1899.He was an american gangster who led a Prohibition-era crime.Known then as the "capones"dedicated to smugging and bootlegging liquor and other illegal activities in chicago.He was inovled in the italian mafia.Then he was sentenced to federal prison,including a stay at the Alcatraz federal prison for tax evasion ,his business card reportedly described him as a used-furniture dealer . Then shortly after he was released from prison he started to lose alot of weight, his physical ,mental health ,and deteriorated under the effects of neurosyphilis.On January 21,1947 Capone had an stroke a day after he regained consciousness.Then he suffered a fatal cardiac arrest. Al Capone died in January 25,1947.