Thursday, May 27, 2010

What is jealousy?It is an emotion that can have at any time.The kinds of emotions it can have is angry,sadness,bitterness,and envyness.It typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity fear,and anixety.Also jealousy is called the "green eyed monster".
Jealousy can be over a family members ,silibings,partners,friendship,and realtionships.
Jealousy can happen to anyone it has been obsevered that it happens to a five month baby to older.But it is human nature to be jealousy of someone or something .
How can you deal with jealousy?The way to stop jealousy is just to stop comparing yourself to what you and that other have.Because jealousy is not a healthly thing for a person .So all you have to do is just not envy people and to just be grateful for you have.


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